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Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Never Ever
Written on: Saturday, March 6, 2010
Time: 4:40 AM

Title: Never Ever
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione
A/N: Written for Sheila-neechan at LJ. I really hope she gets an idea for a MattNear fic soon..
And my first try on the HP fandom! Woot!

From the very beginning Harry knows there’s something more between him and Hermione.

(and it’s probably true)

It’s not just the words they exchanged,

(polite, always so careful not to let anything slip)

Or the subtle touches and friendly hugs,

(though he wished he could hold her hand instead when they’re alone)

But it was something else.

(maybe they weren’t supposed to be friends, because friends don’t really give a shit if you’re happy with someone else, as long as you’re happy)

He doesn’t want to say it to her face when she kissed him and told him she’s happy to have him as a friend.

(but he knows that she secretly knows what’s happening inside his head right now. and he knows she’s lying when she said that)

So he thought he should wait, until they’re both ready to confess and start a new beginning together.

(but the wait never ends, never ends)

Tonight she danced in the arms of his redhead best friend, and he thought she looked absolutely beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful Hermione.

 But she will never be his.

(because he’s too much of a coward to do face the odds that were against them)

If only he could say it to her so many years ago, if only he was brave enough to do something for his own happiness. If only he could be a little bit selfish, just this once. He would promise he wouldn’t do anything like this again.

(but then he’d break the heart of a girl he loves, though not as much as his dear Hermione)

Harry sipped his drink, eyeing the happy couple dancing in the middle. Ginny by his side, a bit tipsy but not too much to let nonsense slip out of her lips. He watched Ron pull Hermione closer as he pressed their lips together in a kiss. He turned away just as they broke away, and Ron walked towards the podium. He caught Hermione’s eye and she gave him a smile.

(a smile so sweet like nothing he’s ever seen before)

“May I have your attention please?”

He looked up to see Ron, blushing lightly as he cleared his throat.

“I have an announcement to make,”

“Oh Harry, he’s proposed to Hermione! Isn’t that sweet?” Ginny said, smiling brightly as she held his hand.

“Hermione and I are engaged.”

Harry could hear his heart breaking. He turned to Hermione, who bowed her head down. A diamond ring glittered on her finger.

“And hopefully we will marry this fall.”

Everyone cheered. Shouts of congratulations were heard. People were celebrating, but he didn’t feel fine at all.

(worse. he just wants to be at home, feeling violent and lonely)

Now it’s too late, he thought sadly. The happy couple walked away, holding hands and he wished it had been him who was in Ron’s place. Now he could only love her silently, and even the thought of it hurts so much.

He quickly said goodbye and left, ignoring the strange stares he received from Ginny, Ron, or Hermione herself. The first thing he wants to do when he gets home was to drown away everything he’s heard or seen today. Maybe he could forget everything, forget her.

(for she was far out of reach, and it’s useless to love someone who will never love you back)

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