Intro, Yo

Welcome to my writing blog! Where all the rainbows and unicorns sparkle in unison and sunsets glow brighter! LOL JK XD


Icon: LJ/
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Here and Forever
Written on: Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Time: 7:30 AM

Hey hey! Long time no see, eh mate? I'm back with new layout, new stories, that'll guarantee to knock you outta your seats! Heh, maybe not literally, but still...

As you can see I'm involved in a new fandom. But that doesn't mean I'm leaving the DN bandwagon, no.. The fun has just begun XD

Title: Here and Forever
Fandom: Death Note + Nabari no Ou
Characters/Pairings: Raikou/Near, mentions of Gau
Genre: Fluff, romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes they want to live in a world where everything they need is here.
Warnings: BL, fluffiness ahoy!

The apartment is unusually silent.

The silence doesn’t bothers you, you’ve lived with it for years since you were a toddler in England. But with Raikou, silence is usually identical to some misfortune of some sorts.

You don’t try to bother him, your hands are busy with solving the puzzle and from the way he stares out to the window complacently. Odd. Usually he bothers himself on the phone to talk to his partner, Gau, or trying to cook in the kitchen or –

“Near, I have something to tell you.”

You look up at him underneath your messy bangs. The obvious question ‘what’ hangs in the air, but you don’t say anything. Yet.

“What if… what if I have to leave in the next few days?”

 “It’s not really a problem is it?”

You could see Raikou frowning slightly at your answer.

“I guess, I mean we both have different lives, very different lives… And I can’t involve you in my problems, I don’t want you to be targeted or something…” he trails off, his voice lowering until he’s whispering to himself. You smile at this; he never gets over his habit.

You stand and walks up to him, not that he notice. Burgundy eyes focusing on something out of reach, his lips move in short sentences. It’s not until you put both of your hands on each side of his face does he comes back to earth.


“Hn?” he asks, larger hands covering your own, rubbing the soft, baby like skin of your hands. He looks at you with wide eyes, looking so innocent. You don’t know if he’s faking it, sometimes he’s just too much of a child you can't really tell.

“It’s fine if you have to leave. I understand.” You say firmly, stroking his cheek with your thumb.

He doesn’t reply, just takes your hand and presses his lips to the back of it. The affectionate gesture sends shivers down your spine; you’ve never really gotten used to the feeling of being in love. Nor do you actually know if this is love. But something tells you that the slight flop of your stomach or the warm feeling in your chest that comes with every embrace, kisses, or sweet words that you two exchanged is close to love, if not love itself.

“I’ve taken my chances with you, Shimizu. The same way you’re facing the same risk with me.”

He nods before pulling you into his lap, then proceeds to nuzzle your neck. The scent of strawberry filled your nose, as you wrap your arms around his neck. Your chest burns with happiness, and you presume that he feels the same way, from the sound of his heart speeding up.

Raikou leans back and stares at you with eyes full of nothing but adoration.

“Sometimes I wish we’re living a world where you’ll always be here,” he guides your hand to his chest “and we’ll always stay this way.”

You don’t say anything, because nothing else needs to be said as he leans closer and closes the gap between your lips and his, and silently you wish that this would last forever, not just some dream that will end the moment you let him go.

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Written on: Monday, April 26, 2010
Time: 7:19 AM

New story guys! Here ya go:

Title: Equivalent Trade
Fandom: Mixed: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, The Quest
Pairings/Characters: Nate, Mihael, Selim, The Gatekeeper, The Seal Keeper
Genre: Fantasy/Family/Friendship
Story Type: Multi-Chaptered
Summary: When one believes that nothing's worth more than knowledge, his belief is tested when the only one he holds dear is dead as a result of a Rebound. Now he has to face the consequences, and try to find a way to bring him back.

I'll post the prologue soon, mkay?


Written on: Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Time: 3:26 AM

(In Indonesian)

Dipersembahkan oleh DEA dan TIAN.

LOL aku mau bikinnya THE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO POSTING YAOI FANFICS tapi kayaknya yaoi terlalu berlebihan.

Memang OD nee-chan. Mau ditahan oleh 'policia' lagi? Yaoi itu dilarang agama...



...itu bukan guide pertama. Mohon diabaikan.

Beep you chico. Ya udah, guide pertama adalah:

1. Log in ke FF.Net.
2. Klik tombol publish di bagian atas.
3. Klik Document Manager (alias UPLOAD) untuk meng-upload ceritamu tadi.
4. Di bagian UPLOAD NEW DOCUMENT cari filenya dan kasih label buat ceritamu. Ini supaya kamu bisa bedain cerita yang satu dengan yang lain. Seperti contoh:

File: Midnight Chatters.docx
Label: midnight

5. Jangan lupa pilih format 'story' bukan 'docx'. Karena ini untuk upload, bukan untuk dikasih ke beta reader.
6. Klik 'submit document'
7. Di menu 'Publish', klik 'New story'. Nanti ada page yang muncul, klik link 'guidelines' dan klik tulisan 'Yes, I have read and agreed to the content guidelines.'
8. Nanti klik 'New story' lagi di page yang muncul.
Nah, ini yang agak bingung..
9. Pilih story type 'Normal' kalau ceritanya cuma untuk satu fandom. Crossover, kalau karakternya dari dua fandom.
10. Kalau choose category klik aja tombolnya disitu kemudian cari dari main category kemudian cari sub category. Contoh:

Main category: Anime/Manga
Sub category: Death Note

Nah, klik 'continue'!

11. Nanti balik ke page tadi, klik continue.
12. Isi:
title (judul cerita)
summary (ringkasan singkat ff kamu)
language (bahasa yang dipakai buat ff buatanmu)
rating (level pembaca kamu - rating akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut dibawah nanti~)
genres (... self explained)
status (in-progress kalau belum selesai atau multi-chaptered atau complete kalau sudah selesai)
character (karakter yang diceritakan dalam cerita kamu)
document (dokumen yang baru kamu upload tadi)

13. Selesaiii! Klik 'PUBLISH NEW STORY' dan tunggu sampai maksimum delapan jam lagi agar cerita Anda ter-upload!


Ada empat rating cerita, yaitu:

1. K
Rating ini untuk konten cerita yang pantas dibaca untuk semua umur dan tidak mengandung unsur-unsur dewasa atau kekerasan (atau hal-hal seksual ;o)

2. K+
Rating ini untuk konten cerita yang masih pantas untuk dibaca semua umur.. Yah lebih untuk sepuluh tahun ke atas gitu. Kontennya mungkin ada kekerasan atau hal seksual yang ringan (seperti jatuh dari pohon karena didorong dan ciuman :p)

3. T
Rating in untuk konten cerita yang pantas dibaca oleh remaja dan orang dewasa saja. Tidak boleh anak-anak. Biasanya karena ada innuendo ke hal-hal yang tidak pantas (LOL sex and drugs) atau kekerasan yang agak berlebihan.

4. M
... ya. Karena kontennya ini untuk orang diatas 18 tahun. Biasanya cerita ini mengandung referensi ke hal-hal tabu. Yah, seperti ada adegan 'dewasa', penggunaan narkoba, kekerasan fisik yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif (seperti menyayat pergelangan tangan! *le gasp*), bahasa yang kurang santun (seperti d**k, f**k, s**t, c**k, dsb. Tapi 'damn' tidak termasuk lhooo), dan hal-hal yang seperti itu.


Oke, sekarang Anda siap untuk memulai hidup Anda sebagai seorang author fanfiction! Selamat!


Midnight Chatters
Written on: Monday, March 29, 2010
Time: 12:46 AM

Title: Midnight Chatters
Fandom: Death Note
Characters/Pairings: Near/Shore
Genre: AU, Fluff
Rating: G
Shore talks in his sleep. A lot.
A/N: For my little sister. Hope you'll like it :3

Midnight Chatters

Shore talks in his sleep. A lot.

It doesn’t bother him, not really. Though it can be really disturbing when he’s on the phone and the younger boy trashed around, muttering nonsense.

Near sighs as he takes a sip from his coffee. Shore sleeps on like a log, head rested on his shoulder. Their room is warm, comfortable. Nice enough for a long slumber but Near’s eyes are still not tired from watching Shore. He flips another page of his book.

“Nah, no, I’m just….”

Shore’s voice trails off, as he shifts until his face is buried between the pillows. Near closes his book and carefully pulls on his shoulders to move his head away. He doesn’t want him to get another cramp. His hands rested on either side of the boy’s head, himself leaning over him. Long, dainty fingers trails softly from the damp forehead to the strong jaw line. Shore’s lips moves, mumbling something before chuckling softly. Near finds himself smiling as well.

Nights like these are the times that Near loves most. In his warm bed, next to the warm body that belongs to the person he holds dear to his heart, between the sound of silence and soft breathings he wishes he could hear the thumping hearts that beats inside their chests. Though Shore is asleep, Near knows Shore feels the same way every time those amber eyes glowed affectionately at him.

He’s just about to continue his reading when something from Shore’s unnecessary monologue caught his attention.

“.. Near, Nate..” Shore whispers his name softly like a prayer. Near’s unsure of what’s Shore’s dreaming of, but from the way his lips curled into a satisfied small he assumes it’s a nice dream. He puts the book on the bedside drawer, then slipped under the blankets and wraps his arms around those bony shoulders. A pair of arms embraced his touch, and pulls him closer. And all Near can breathe is this moment, as he memorizes the motion over and over again in his head. Strands of dark, dark brown hair tickles the sides of his face as he leans in and places a soft kiss on the pulsing vein of the boy’s temple.

He pulls away, and grey eyes meets brown in a second. He can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks; Shore’s gaze always makes him flustered for no reason. Shore shifts closer, drawing Near’s breath away as he places his lips over the shell of his ear and whispers,

“’Morning to you too,” he says lazily, before turning to peck his warming cheeks.

Near blinks once, twice. Shore’s eyes slowly droop under the dark lashes, fatigue still hazing in them. But his grip on Near’s arm hasn’t budged.

“Nice dream?” he asks, liking the sounds of the sheets rustling and the bed creaking underneath them.

Shore nods his head slowly, opening his mouth and covering it with his hand as he yawns. Eyes still on Near.

“How’d you know?” He mumbles, his fingers slides from Near’s arm to his waist.

Near strokes his hair lovingly, grey eyes warming on the boy. “You said my name.”

He’s pretty sure he interrupted Shore who almost drifts away to sleep, because Shore leans his head in an almost lazy fashion on his chest.

“Guess y’know how to read me right,” he mumbles to the soft cotton, almost inaudible if he hadn’t lay his head on Near’s chest.

Near continues to stroke his hair lovingly as he holds Shore in his arms. When he’s sure Shore’s falling asleep again, he shifts so the boy could lie on the pillows instead of him, and he continues his reading – along with his midnight drink. The sound of silence continues, the soft breathing and occasional mutters fills the room, and Near swears he can hear the sound of their hearts thumping in perfect sync inside their chest.

The night continues, and somewhere in between Near falls asleep, only to wake up to a tender kiss from the younger boy as light from the morning sun greets them.

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Written on: Saturday, March 6, 2010
Time: 4:51 AM

Title: Lullabies
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: MattNear
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Rating: G
Summary: That night, instead of the usual emptiness he felt, he feels safe.
AN: Inspired by “Lullabies” by All Time Low.

“Sing me to sleep, I’ll see you in my dreams”

His dreams were nightmares. Never ending nightmares.

He dreamed of running, with his own unknown fear chasing him from behind. Dark, hollow halls followed his steps in the running. A door opened at the end, but whenever he reached it, it vanished and he’s in the dark, dark room of nothingness.

And he’d wake up to see no signs of a chocoholic blond, who used to be ready and awake when he’s woken up. The empty bed across the room was a painful reminder of that fact.

But tonight, he woke up to see a small white figure curling himself on top of the bed. On his bed.

Grey eyes popped underneath messy mops of white hair, starring at him owlishly.

“You’re awake.”

He kept silent, because Near didn’t need anything to confirm the truth of his statement. Sometimes he thinks Near was never wrong on anything. He rolled on his back, wrapping the sheets tighter around himself.

The last thing he needs was his body to be as cold as his heart.

“Go away, Near.” He muttered, closing his eyes.

“You had a nightmare.”

“And it’s none of your fucking business, isn’t it?”

He felt a bit bad for being so harsh, but it’s nothing compared to Mello’s threat to the younger boy.

“Why do you even care anyway?”

“Because you’re my friend.”

He laughed humorlessly and turned sideways to face Near.

“We’re never friends.” He said coolly. Near shrugged indifferently, slowly sitting up.

Friends. A stupid word that no longer held any meaning to him.

He ignored Near and closed his eyes. He even pretended he didn’t care when he felt the boy slipping under the covers with him, curling himself against his warmth.

Despite it all, he cried as he held the boy in his arms, feeling those arms tighten around his neck, gripping like it’s the only thing that could save them.

That night, instead of the usual emptiness he felt, he feels safe. For once he can hold onto something to keep him from drowning.

He let the soothing sound of Near’s breathing lulled him into a nice, dreamless sleep.

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Three Times One
Time: 4:44 AM

 Title: Three Times One (And I Just Can’t Get Enough)
Author: Tian-san
Pairings: Matt/Near. One features Matt/girl!Near
Genre: Friendship, Hurt, Romance
Rating: K+
Summary: Three moments from the odd couple. Guaranteed to make you go mushy inside. Okay, not really, but at least it gives you something to read about.

Three Times One
(And I Just Can’t Get Enough)

1.    Paper Hearts

I thought I could hear my heart breaking. He didn’t say a word. Nothing.

I know asking out someone like Near was a bad idea. It’s a shame I couldn’t choose who I fall in love with. But I just couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Damn him for being so cute.

But then a miracle happened: Near edged closer to me, and he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to mine quickly. The gesture was soft, but nevertheless made my heart beat faster.

He pulled away, leaving me still dazed, but curious why. He just smiled and said, “I don’t want to keep you waiting, do I?”

2.    The Songs You Grew To Like Never Stick At First

The door was slammed open. Near didn’t bother to look who barged in, knowing exactly who the perpetrator is.

Sobs filled the room. And plastic hit the wall as a pair of goggles was thrown by long hands of a fourteen year old. Near froze in mid air before continued packing. Matt must’ve heard the news of Mello’s disappearance.

He locked his suitcase, and picked up the rest of the small necessities like his pictures or his L finger puppet.

Matt buried his face in his pillows, not bothering to look at him. He didn’t either. He hates saying goodbyes. Especially to the ones you cared about.

As he tucked his picture in his shirt a quiet voice piped up.

“You’re leaving?”

Near nodded and grabbed his journal on the bedside table. He heard sounds of rustling sheets and guessed that Matt was now sitting up.


He didn’t say anything. Just continue grabbing his stuff and pretended Matt was not there. Because he can’t stand it when the older boy cries, especially if the tears were for someone who obviously didn’t give a damn about him.

He put everything inside his backpack, slung it to his arms, and finally took a look at the brunet.

Matt’s eyes were puffy red, tears pooling up in his blue eyes. He was a mess. His nose a bit red, runny perhaps, from all the crying. Honestly Near felt sorry for him. But there’s nothing he can do. It was his fault that Mello left; he didn’t want to feel guiltier about it.

“I’ll see you, I guess.” Near said softly, before turning the knob.


Near turned, watching as the boy rummaged his bag for something…

Then Matt handed him a photograph of Mello.

“Please, keep this with you. With Kira out there, who knows what’ll happen.”

Near accepted the gift half-heartedly. A part of him wished Matt gave something else, perhaps something more personal, that would remind him of the brown haired gamer. And a part of him felt angry at the older boy, for making him feel worse about himself.

You always have to put Mello first, don’t you?

He quickly left the room without a word.

3.    Keep My Heart Beating (Genderswitch. Matt/girl!Near)

“Come on, Near. Dance a bit.”

“Matt, you of all person would know that I would decline your offer.”

“So? It’s fun.”

“I hate dancing.”

“But it’s fun. Come on muffin, for me, please?”

Matt stared at Near with wide, puppy dog eyes. Her lips quirked into a small smile before taking the boy’s hand.

“But you’re leading the way.”

“Roger that!”

They sway to the upbeat music Matt had been listening to.

She had to admit this is fun. But as she opened her mouth to tell the boy he was right, Matt took the opportunity to give her a not-so innocent kiss. She gasped in surprise and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

They pulled away as the song ended. She gave him a light glare for his act earlier.

“It’s fun, right?”

“Whatever you say Matt.”

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Never Ever
Time: 4:40 AM

Title: Never Ever
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione
A/N: Written for Sheila-neechan at LJ. I really hope she gets an idea for a MattNear fic soon..
And my first try on the HP fandom! Woot!

From the very beginning Harry knows there’s something more between him and Hermione.

(and it’s probably true)

It’s not just the words they exchanged,

(polite, always so careful not to let anything slip)

Or the subtle touches and friendly hugs,

(though he wished he could hold her hand instead when they’re alone)

But it was something else.

(maybe they weren’t supposed to be friends, because friends don’t really give a shit if you’re happy with someone else, as long as you’re happy)

He doesn’t want to say it to her face when she kissed him and told him she’s happy to have him as a friend.

(but he knows that she secretly knows what’s happening inside his head right now. and he knows she’s lying when she said that)

So he thought he should wait, until they’re both ready to confess and start a new beginning together.

(but the wait never ends, never ends)

Tonight she danced in the arms of his redhead best friend, and he thought she looked absolutely beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful Hermione.

 But she will never be his.

(because he’s too much of a coward to do face the odds that were against them)

If only he could say it to her so many years ago, if only he was brave enough to do something for his own happiness. If only he could be a little bit selfish, just this once. He would promise he wouldn’t do anything like this again.

(but then he’d break the heart of a girl he loves, though not as much as his dear Hermione)

Harry sipped his drink, eyeing the happy couple dancing in the middle. Ginny by his side, a bit tipsy but not too much to let nonsense slip out of her lips. He watched Ron pull Hermione closer as he pressed their lips together in a kiss. He turned away just as they broke away, and Ron walked towards the podium. He caught Hermione’s eye and she gave him a smile.

(a smile so sweet like nothing he’s ever seen before)

“May I have your attention please?”

He looked up to see Ron, blushing lightly as he cleared his throat.

“I have an announcement to make,”

“Oh Harry, he’s proposed to Hermione! Isn’t that sweet?” Ginny said, smiling brightly as she held his hand.

“Hermione and I are engaged.”

Harry could hear his heart breaking. He turned to Hermione, who bowed her head down. A diamond ring glittered on her finger.

“And hopefully we will marry this fall.”

Everyone cheered. Shouts of congratulations were heard. People were celebrating, but he didn’t feel fine at all.

(worse. he just wants to be at home, feeling violent and lonely)

Now it’s too late, he thought sadly. The happy couple walked away, holding hands and he wished it had been him who was in Ron’s place. Now he could only love her silently, and even the thought of it hurts so much.

He quickly said goodbye and left, ignoring the strange stares he received from Ginny, Ron, or Hermione herself. The first thing he wants to do when he gets home was to drown away everything he’s heard or seen today. Maybe he could forget everything, forget her.

(for she was far out of reach, and it’s useless to love someone who will never love you back)

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